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NASA sent Juno to Jupiter in 2011. It got back works of art

submitted 6 years ago by 路边社 world
Last updated on 10/7/2019 2:01:39 AM

The images were taken by the spacecraft on its 16th close flyby on October 29, NASA said.

A south tropical disturbance has just passed Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot and reflects its orange haze from in these series of color-enhanced images from NASA.

Juno traveled for years, not reaching Jupiter until July 2016. The spacecraft was launched so scientists could study Jupiter's composition and evolution, and they are excited by what they found. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system, by far.

"The general theme of our discoveries is really how different Jupiter looked from how we expected," said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator, from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, when the first images were revealed last May. "This is a close-up and personal look at Jupiter. We thought it was uniform inside and relatively boring. What we're finding is anything but that. "

Appearing in the scene are several bright-white "pop-up" clouds as well as an anticyclonic storm, known as a white oval.

The water-colored swirls in this picture are clouds in Jupiter's North North Temperate Belt, NASA said.

And just like clouds over here on Earth, people are looking for shapes within them.

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