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A Vermont insider shares her secrets

submitted 6 years ago by 路边社 food

Let's start with breakfast

As far as Andrea is concerned, "there is only one place" to eat the most important meal of the day.

Waitress Anastasia Evans greets her as she walks into Penny Cluse, which has long waits on the weekend even when people arrive before the 8 a.m. opening time. They've known each other since they took a college art class together at the University of Vermont.

We promise that Charles and Holly Cluse's spot is worth the wait. (It's named after their dog, Penny.)

"The place is so great, not just because the herb gravy and biscuits are awesome, and the fruit plate is delicious, or the bucket of spuds," she says.

"I've had friends who have worked there, and they stay for a long time because they are treated well and the place is just run professionally, but not ostentatiously."

The food is good, and the people make it even better. The "staff fill my belly with yummy meals, but (they) fill my heart with goodness."

Not one for lines? Head next door to Lucky Next Door, which is also owned by the Cluses. It's a great place to grab lunch, or if you simply can't stand the wait at Penny Cluse.

Let's pick some apples

More apples please


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